Transfer Function

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Transfer Function Overview

A Fractal Science Kit fractal generator Transfer Function can be applied to data to accentuate one area within the data while minimizing another. A Transfer Function is used to support Data Normalization and other processing tasks throughout the application where remapping data in the interval 0 to 1 is required.

Transfer Function is one of the following:

  • Linear
  • Log
  • Inverted Exp
  • Root
  • Inverted Power
  • Inverted Elliptic
  • Elliptic
  • Power
  • Inverted Root
  • Exp
  • Inverted Log
  • Sigmoid
  • Inverse Sigmoid

The Linear function is the identity transformation. The rest of the functions remap data in the interval 0 to 1. The shape of the map is based on the named function. All of the functions, with the exception of Linear, take a Power argument which controls the strength of the function applied to each data value.

Select a Transfer Function from the set of functions and use the Power slider to adjust the power. The transfer function/power graph shows how the data is remapped by the selected function/power. For each x value on the horizontal axis, the graph shows the associated value of f(x) on the vertical axis, where f(x) is the chosen function/power.

Each function is defined such that f(x)=x for x=0 or x=1. The values between 0 and 1 however are scaled up/down based on the function type and power. For example, the Root function with Power set to 2 would be f(x)=Sqrt(x) and would scale up values between 0 and 1.


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